Spatial Biology Team
Spatial Multiomics Team
Leah Zagore, PhD
Research Associate, MB(ASCP)
Dr. Leah Zagore earned her Ph.D. in Biochemistry, focusing on regulatory RNA binding proteins (RBPs) in the context of male germ cell development. She applied a multidisciplinary approach integrating transcriptome profiling tools (such as CLIP, RNA-seq, and ribosome profiling) with transgenic mouse and cell culture models to interrogate the function of the germ cell-specific RBP DAZL. Her results showed that DAZL functions as a master regulator of a post-transcriptional mRNA program essential for germ cell survival. During her postdoctoral training, Dr. Zagore continued to study RNA regulatory networks and worked to identify novel RBPs important during early T-cell activation. Dr. Zagore feels fortunate to have been involved with the development of new technologies in cell and RNA molecular biology. First, she helped develop an approach to enable kinetic analysis of RNA-protein interactions in cells using a pulsed femtosecond laser (KIN-CLIP). Importantly, this technique showed that global, in vivo kinetic parameters of RBPs could be measured and used to link protein-RNA binding to cellular RBP function. She also helped create a strategy combining dual fluorescence Cre-lox technology with flow cytometry to discriminate and isolate germ cells in different stages of development.
Banu Tamilselvan,
MSc, MPhil
Senior Research Associate
Banu Tamilselvan is a Biochemist with more than 18 years of experience in teaching, research, and lab management. Banu has received extensive training on 10x genomics platforms, and experience with a broad variety of cellular and molecular biology techniques and a variety of Next Generation Sequencing sample preparation. She is very curious and passionate about genomics technologies since the field is ubiquitous and promising for personalized medicine and novel therapeutic discovery for many other life-threatening illnesses. She is very happy to help clinician scientists and basic biology researchers apply cutting-edge tools to their research programs to advance their discoveries.
Spatial Histopathology Team
Joseph Willis, MD
Department of Pathology
Dr Willis is Vice Chair for Translational Research in the Department of Pathology at University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center and Case Western Reserve University. He has extensive experience in tissue-based research and is a member of the Case GI SPORE program.
Anne Windau
UH Pathology Clinical Research
Anne is the Clinical Research Supervisor in the Department of Pathology at University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center. She coordinates Pathology research, provides support to investigators, and manages the research team in the areas of Anatomic and Clinical pathology. She has experience in both the clinical laboratory as well as research. Her area of expertise is in microbiology and molecular biology.
Christine Schoenholz
Histologist, HT(ASCP)
Christine is a Clinical Research Specialist II in the Department of Pathology at University Hospital Cleveland Medical Center. She is actively involved in the Seidman Cancer Center Clinical Trials. Her area of expertise is in the field of Histology with extensive experience in tissue microtomy, specialized staining, Immunohistochemistry, and Digital Pathology.

John Sumodi
Histologist, HT(ASCP)
John is a Clinical Research Specialist II in the Department of Pathology at University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center. He fulfills research requests for investigators in Anatomic Pathology as well as other departments within UHCMC. He has extensive experience in Anatomic Pathology with expertise is in Histology and Immunohistochemistry.